Wednesday, June 22, 2011


So.  A blog.

I figure this is the best forum for my idle thoughts, away from the wreckage of my other bloglikes.

So, who am I?  A college student majoring in what had seemed interesting at the time.  Problem is, the more I learn, the less certain I am that I want to continue towards that major!  And to complicate things, I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with my life, or what my best skills are.

At this point, there's just a few things keeping me moving forward: my stubbornness, D&D sessions with family, anime at school, Civil War re-enacting during the summer, and something I found out about in May...


Yes, I discovered My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic [danger: TVtropes link!] near the end of the first season.  I had known that it existed for a while before that, from YouTube channel subscriptions that I barely paid attention to and the signatures/avatars in a close-knit forum I visit.  One day, my curiosity overtook me, so I watched the first episode...

...and then the second, and third, and...

I was hooked.  The show is honestly good - the primary audience might be little girls, yet it's still quality entertainment for the entire family.  Go watch it; you'll be glad you did.

Anyway, tying the threads together.  One of the background aspects of the show is that each pony, as they grow up, discover the talent that they both like and are good at.  At that point, they gain a cutie mark, an emblem on their haunch that reflects that talent.  Until that point, their flank is blank.  Thus, someone who hasn't discovered their talent is a blank-flank.  And since the nickname for an older fan of the MLP:FiM series is brony...

Hence, my moniker of BlankFlankBrony.

Glad to meet you.  And welcome to my life.

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